Secure Application Development Build it right & fast Evolution of application development in a new era

Secure Application Development

Take advantage of the latest application innovations and trends while exploring new ways to solve your critical business challenges.

Integrate and modernize your new and legacy applications into flexible, agile architectures that improve performance and drive market growth. Put product market speed and high-quality professionalism at the front of your goals.

With CDL's innovation effort, our own developed IP helps to complete complex application developments faster than ever and manage the entire cycle of software development tailored to customer needs.

Reducing risks in your software development environments

Our services can ensure your development lifecycles meet compliance, regulatory, or contractual obligations with ease and do not inherit any security vulnerabilities.

We have successfully engineered security software controls for the world’s largest biometric citizen ID program encompassing 1.2 billion identities. This program exemplifies our ability to manage and execute secure software development projects at scale, scope, and size.

100 Million+

User Identities & Accesses Successfully Integrated


IAM Projects Delivered


Custom Enhancements Developed to Integrate Applications

Secure Application Development Build it right and fast Evolution of application development in a new era

CDL's unique blend of engineering and security expertise allows us to engage with various stakeholders, partners, and collaborators.

We can align with the executive mindset to deal with security issues and help in staying ahead of the curve. When designing security controls, we take a holistic view and start with the core requirements of the business and derive security requirements from detailed threat models.

A solution approach based on what can affect the core of your program, business, or product is designed and implemented. Our continued engagement ensures the security controls and features are architecturally sound and follow the security principles that we have laid out.

Application Development & Management Services

Consultation Service

CDL’s IT architects will work closely with you to align your business strategies and supporting technologies. In addition, our

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Value Stream Management

CDL believes that with proper Value Stream Management practices illuminating the way, we can accelerate the “currents” of

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Agile Transformation

CDL helps clients with their whole Agile Transformation journey by developing large-scale Agile/DevOps organizations and

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DevOps & Service Centricity

Development and operations are no longer worlds apart. Reduce the application development lifecycle and improve quality

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Cloud Native Development

CDL helps clients accelerate their digital business by engineering, developing, integrating, and optimizing different types of

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Application Modernization

CDL's Application Modernization services take a comprehensive, total lifecycle approach, enabling you to systematically

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Low Code Application Development

CDL has helped clients innovate across all phases of the application lifecycle for over three decades.

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Testing & SW Quality Assuranace

CDL builds quality into software from the start through our Quality Assurance and Testing services including performance testing, functional testing, mobile testing and specialized testing, among others. Utilizing proprietary technology, development environments and world-class QA and automation testing tools, including IP, CDL can help you reduce the time to market for your applications while improving software quality.

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Secure Application Development Case Studies